Data Loggers and Telemetry.
Delivering reliable real time data collection.
Telemetry Hardware.
Our telemetry hardware uses industrial edge technology to ensure reliable storage and transmission of your valuable data, back to our software platform where your information is presented in a simple and useful manner designed to provide you insights into your operation. Remote locations are no problem either - thanks to the dual connectivity that uses either 5G cellular or via SWARM satellite network communication to transit your data.
Our Data Loggers Deliver.
Accurate data collection across a wide range of applications
Real time data collection
Remote monitoring and fault reporting
Rugged design for deployment of units to even the most remote locations
Full standalone solar power solution available
Deployable to new sites or existing flow meters
Capable of communicating via 5G cellular service or via SWARM satellite network
Connectivity to our cloud-based web application, OPLEX, for health monitoring and statistical data collection
Maintenance and servicing of units with 24/7 engineering helpdesk support
Data Storage capacity compliant with The New Zealand Water Measurement Code of Practice (COP)
Your Water Usage Made Easy.
Delivering unique and useful insights into your water usage
Rolling Consented Limit m3.
Instantaneous Flow Rate l/s
Cumulative Volume m3
Pump Run State
Combined Flow Rate l/s
Battery Voltage